W h y   t o   b e   U s e d ?

Because no there is like a mother love.  

Because is an centennial technique that has been improved for the new system of rooter-pot

Because the technology allows us to make easy a hard work and fast yield.

Because is not necesary any experience to be used.

Because is a guaranty of quick and positive results in 2-3 months thanks to help of mother plant.

Because you can to use same piece several times.

Because it's very important saving in your wages. Final costs is as low as a conventional pot.

j.l. lleó faura
Martínez Cubells 10  -  46002  Valencia  -  Spain
Tel. +34 96 351 1619  -  Fax. +34 96 351 1619
rooterpot@rooterpot.com / rooterpot@ono.com